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dnscrypt-proxy (DoH)

Configuring DNS-Over-HTTPS using dnscrypt-proxy 1

To utilize DNS-Over-HTTPS (DoH) or other encrypted DNS protocols with Pi-hole, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks between Pi-hole and upstream DNS servers, the following sections explain how to install the flexible and stable dnscrypt-proxy tool.

As an alternative tool to this end, consider cloudflared, for which a guide exists as well.

Installing dnscrypt-proxy

Raspberry Pi OS and Debian as well as Ubuntu come with packages for dnscrypt-proxy, which makes its installation a breeze:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install dnscrypt-proxy

Configuring dnscrypt-proxy

By default, FTLDNS listens on the standard DNS port 53.

To avoid conflicts with FTLDNS, edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.socket, ensuring dnscrypt-proxy listens on a port that is not in use by other services.

The following settings in /usr/lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.socket, let dnscrypt-proxy listen on localhost on port 5053:


If you have cloudflared installed, you may uninstall it, as dnscrypt-proxy will replace it, or choose a unique port for dnscrypt-proxy.

Also edit /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml, updating the following settings:

# Use systemd socket activation:
listen_addresses = []

# Populate `server_names` with desired DoH/DNSCrypt upstream DNS servers listed in
# Example for Cloudflare malware-blocking DNS:
server_names = ['cloudflare-security']

Configuring Pi-hole Upstream DNS Servers

Run the following command to set the upstream DNS server of Pi-hole to your local dnscrypt-proxy instance:

sudo pihole-FTL --config dns.upstreams '[""]'

Restarting Services

Run the following commands to restart dnscrypt-proxy and FTLDNS:

sudo systemctl restart dnscrypt-proxy.socket
sudo systemctl restart dnscrypt-proxy.service
sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service

Reviewing Service Status

Run the following commands to review the status of each restarted service:

sudo systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy.socket
sudo systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy.service
sudo systemctl status pihole-FTL.service

Each service is expected to be in active (running) state. Review the log files shown if a service didn't restart successfully.

Configuring Pi-hole

Optionally, confirm in the Pi-hole admin web interface that upstream DNS servers are configured correctly:

  • Log into the Pi-hole admin web interface.
  • Navigate to "Settings" and from there to "DNS".
  • Under "Upstream DNS Servers", uncheck all boxes for public DNS servers.
  • Under "Upstream DNS Servers", ensure the box is filled with the IP address and port combination dnscrypt-proxy listens on, such as
  • Click on Save at the bottom.

Updating dnscrypt-proxy

Since you installed dnscrypt-proxy via APT, updating dnscrypt-proxy is a matter of running the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Uninstalling dnscrypt-proxy

To uninstall dnscrypt-proxy, run the command sudo apt remove dnscrypt-proxy. Update the Pi-hole DNS settings to use another upstream DNS server.